DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment), Page 1881 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

20494 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
The programme was ok -

The programme was okay - apart from if you exited and re-entered it seemed to get lost forcing user to retake test - s/b a button for final test

Videos should be optional

Videos should be optional

4 Stars

Good programme, slightly lengthy to listen to. This could be shorter and more snappier to cover the salient points. Exercises are appropriate and to the point. A printable diagram of these exercises would be of use as a reminder to people.

good training

I learnt some valuable information to help me look after myself at worl

well designed program

The training programme explains everything in detail.

Overall a good overview of DSE needs

Issues with running the training module with Internet explorer 10. Had to conduct on a different PC running Internet explorer 9 ?

I did learn things I did not know.

Worth while course.

The course did the job

course covers all aspects to a high level

Very good and easy to follow

I did not know what the abbreviation 'PDA' stood for. I have since looked this up online.

Informative, clear and easy to follow

I found the programme easy to follow. The visual content and sound were very clear and delivered in small sections which made them easy to understand. I also found the exercises very useful and liked the immediacy of doing an online test to assess the knowledge retained.


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