DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment), Page 1821 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

20521 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
Dead boring

For the majority you could easily avoid the video and just read the bullet points as I paid no attention at all but still passed with 20 out of 20 so feel like I learned nothing.

Good visual aid

I found the dvd to be useful and easy to follow

4 Stars

This programme was quite easy to understand and it was well explained on all needs required by law.It also advices you on the importance of working with screens, your posture and to be able to walk away from your desk to stretch and to rest your eyes.

Extremely useful

Definitely worth taking the time to look at this, even though a lot of it was common sense.

Easy to follow.. shorter would be better

Good overview of all relevant topics with easy to follow videos and information.


friendly to use and very educative

Too lengthy

There should be reference to guidelines and regulations to stress the importance to staff - also some questions within the assessment were of no value, e.g height of a table?

Very good and easy to use

Very good

Generally good

Generally good although more interaction and text on the screen at the same time as the audio would be useful (and more efficient). Also, in the risk assessment, there is a question asking about whether my arms are horizontal. Firstly the question asks whether it is horizontal twice, and secondly, upon entering 'no', it suggests to try raising or lowering my seat. If I raised or lowered my seat, then my hips would not be slightly higher than my knees (if lowering) or my feet would not be flat on the floor (if raising).

Easy to access and understand.

Although I was aware of most of the issues, the way in which the training was presented has made me think more about how I am using my work station. The exercises that were suggested will also be beneficial.


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