DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment), Page 1737 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

20550 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
Excellent easy to use course

Felt at times some of the information was long winded

Very insightful and detailed .

No summary provided

Very Good Course

No summary provided

95% pass rate is too high

No summary provided

Drags on a bit

May have a few good pointers but certain people have different ergonomics requirements which , like me differ from the displayed items listed in the document. If people want a 100% test pass they may just tick the boxes to comply with the documents statements & not what they actually practice.

An exercise in stating the obvious ...

... with quotes such as " Is your telephone clean?" or " the software should be suitable for the task" or "Maintain a regular blink rate" or "the best position of your telephone depends on how you use it" or "When not using the mouse don't hold the mouse" or "you might need to close binds to reduce glare" or "Any portable device by definition can be carried" and " Is your keyboard glare free?"If you sum every Grass Roots employees' hourly rate and you'll get my Challenge 28 suggestion to find efficiency savings.

Useful for general knowledge

Not really useful for full time teachers who don't work in an office environment, do not spend long periods of time in front of a computer screen, do not have a telephone, walk around the form room regularly, stand up to write on the white board etc.

A very easy to use course

A nice and easy course to take that was informative and very helpful.

easy course to follow

good information, well explained and simple to follow, the tests are accurate and well thought out. far better than previous DSE training that I have completed.

very good and easy to use

very interesting. Information will be taken on board.


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