DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment), Page 1736 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

20553 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
Quick easy and very informative

No summary provided

useful and to the point.

No summary provided

Very Informative

Informative and good exercises that I intend to use

I have found this course very helpful

Completing this course has made me more aware of the health benefits of correct posture,taking regular breaks from the work station and the positioning of the computer screen .

Easy to use

No summary provided

Very informative with good tips

The DSE training has some great advice and exercises to follow to keep you in tip top condition at your desk.


I enjoyed this course

Excellent - appropriate and well timed.

This was an excellent training programme. It provided insights into the importance of good posture and working practices, simple means of achieving a good, effective workspace and some quick beneficial training exercises. Thank you.


Sorry, I just thought this was basic in the extreme and quite frankly learned nothing other than that the height my desk should be 72cm and that my natural line of vision is 15* below the horizontal. Why is it 'an issue' if the letters on my keyboard are worn away? Presumably because if I can't touch type I'd have to look at the keys, but you don't explain that, it's just left hanging in mid air. And the most surprising point of all was how you suggest we change shoulders when carrying laptops in rucksacks, surely the advice should be to wear both straps at the same time as shown in the picture? I appreciate it's not the most interesting or interactive topic but an A4 sheet of paper with a checklist would have saved me 40 minutes though I did have a nice coffee and croissant while I was doing it.

Very informative

Enjoyed the programme easy to follow and understand,thank you.


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