DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment) Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

20442 reviews

  • 73% 5
  • 17% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 2% 1
Course far too long for the subject.

Course was too long for the subject. Don't appreciate having to wait for the video clips to finish to move on to the next piece of information. Transcript is available but pointless as you cannot move on to the next topic until the video for that section ends.

Found this training very useful

No summary provided

Practical and helpful

No summary provided

Very easy to understand

No summary provided

A really good and informative course

A really good and informative course & I would highly recommend to my colleagues.

too long

Far too long and therefore not engaging - the detail is good its just pulled out at far to long a length

Good detail and advice to function

Like the thorough detailed description and advice to function efficiently. I have completed this course periodically and noticed that several factors need to be atttended while using DSE. Most of the tasks are done in different areas typically for factory purposes and it enable a good exercise to be able to distribute a days work in good measure with walking sitting standing postures

Way too long

There should be a short course to do annually. Perhaps a test only.

Overall good

No summary provided

Questions too simple

Helpful reminder. Does the job.


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