Drug and Alcohol Awareness Training, Page 65 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

915 reviews

  • 82% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1

Good information


Rigorous & a challenge which is good. It pushes the best of the best carers to do even better!!!Loved if!! Its all about clearing your mind, listening, doing the test where you relsy this info....its good xxx


No summary provided

The course was useful and inlightening

The course showed the differrent types of drugs and the effects to be aware of. Most importantly the dangers that could arise from using these drugs. It is also good to know what to look for in people who use behaviours.

A good course to refresh knowledge

No summary provided

It was very important to learn.

So, I believe that it was very important to learn about this because we must know all of us that it is very bad for healthy and yourself.

A very informative and useful course.

A relevant course due to the current lockdown situation. People may have increased their levels of drinking and maybe drugs .due to boredom

Great information and easy to understand

It was a very informative awareness course which I found very useful.

Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Useful Informative Course which highlights the problems to look out for but also that the problems may not be related to drug or alcohol abuse and that there may be other factors involved. Very good

Clash with NHS advice

The only issue was,the training said there were 2 units in a standard pint of beer and the NHS advise its 3 on their web site


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