Driver Awareness Training, Page 89 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

3802 reviews

  • 75% 5
  • 14% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Good Refresher for existing drivers

Provides some basic but critical guidance.

Good class

Reminds drivers about aspects of road safety

was ok

felt hard done by the tailgating question as did not give the option to pull over and let them past, but then said that was the best option!

A bit long, plus some errors.

While the course was generally good, it was overly long for the content offered. It was also wrong on several points, for example while it correctly quotes the stopping distances shown in the highway code, modern cars will stop in half this distance (the figures used have not been updated since the 1970s). Also, it has been shown by physicists that two cars crashing head-on into each other at 30mph do not suffer a crash equivalent to a 60mph crash, but rather each car suffers damage proportional to its speed, not the combined speed. I was also concerned that some of the questions during the presentation seemed to be almost encouraging poor behaviour, such as driving barefoot or with headphones in. Why even raise these points if it is bad practice? It's not illegal to drive off a cliff either, but I would not recommend it!

Short and to the point.

No summary provided

Very helpful, and true to the point .

Very good, all drivers should do this course every year . It's that good .

Deals with obvious bad habits

Mostly seems obvious but really is also a lot of bad habits we all can relate to somewhere or in some place. UK orientated and while valid for the UK (miles per hour) should probably state this at the beginning. For example while legal to drive with food and drink in your hand in some countries not in all (e.g. Cyprus).

some road codex isn't updated

No summary provided

Nice and concise

Fab to be able to do this online at my convenience:) Maybe make the presentation a little more engaging? some more vibrant animations and slide transitions plus perhaps a more engaging tone and intonation in the speakers. Overall though, a very good course:)

Very clear and easy to understand

No summary provided


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