Driver Awareness Training, Page 54 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

3793 reviews

  • 75% 5
  • 14% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Very informative and current

No summary provided

Simple and intuitive

Easy to follow in small sections which can be completed in one go or stopped and then returned to later, with a short test at the end to ensure that you have been paying attention. The course covers various scenarios with examples that explain what should be considered in certain situations. The items on myths and misconceptions was interesting and taught me something that I wasn't aware of.

Excellent refresher

Excellent refresher as a company vehicle driver, but also as a motorcyclist.

typical on line train ing

Firstly, why are you presenting stopping distances in feet???? Should be meters. Secondly, Essex police are giving out tickets to drivers who are drinking coffee or eating while driving, this is because they should have their hands on the steering wheel, so in effect, eating and drinking while driving may not be designated as illegal, but it is.

Thought of more stuff to say

Extra feedback to go with my previous feedback: The pass "mark" shouldn't be 85% if there are 10 questions. Also, as the course is to do with driving for work, it might be worth mentioning time of driving - if you can, avoid peak hours/rush hour, and if multiple people are travelling, consider sharing the driving (especially if it's a long journey). Last place I worked at insisted that the person who "signed out" the pool car drove it, which was stupid if there was a lot of driving needed.

Basic. Not enough roadcraft.

Distances should be in metres. No clue what the stopping distances are in feet. Learnt them all in metres when I did my test over 23 years ago. Needs more information on roadcraft (info phase is useful, scanning far, medium, near, rear for observations, taking/giving/using information etc) and a bigger emphasis on stopping/safety distances. Would appreciate checking blindspots especially when switching lanes in traffic (watch out for filtering motorcycles). Checks can be both a bit more in-depth and simpler (i.e. it takes a few seconds to check tyres vs wear blocks for legal tread depth, but you probably wouldn't check pressures every day), "ground" or "floor" is a great check - if there are no fluids under the car then they're probably all still in it. "Controls" is motorbike specific. But Person/Guy/Gal is a great check - what about you? Are you ok (no alcohol, not tired, you know where you're going, not rushed etc).

Lacking in some key detail

In the section 'FLOWER', checking water levels prior to a long journey. Caution should be given about checking radiator water level which may be very hot and pressurised (from earlier shorter journeys obviously, not from a cold start). I know people that have had bad facial burns taking radiator caps off.

Good reminder

Accentuates the fact that a good driver is usually well aware of other drivers and is courteous

Very informative and useful

No summary provided

Very Good

Completed this course several times and learnt something new each time.


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