Driver Awareness Training, Page 341 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

3802 reviews

  • 75% 5
  • 14% 4
  • 6% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Easy to use. A little long and slow.

No summary provided

Easy to use, but very time consuming.

No summary provided

Too long

Hard to remember all information given

Easy to use but too time consuming

I used the written notes as did not have speakers and had to wait minutes after having read them before could go onto the next one

Too many statistics

The course was too long and much of the course was common sense. There were too many statistics that we are expected to remember for the test at the end. Surely, memorising a statistic does not make us better drivers. The course should focus more on safety instructions/regulations, what to report, what to do in certain situations.

verrryyyy veerrryyyy long winded

I fully appreciate the importance but the delivery and speed of the information was tedious in th extreme. I am not convinced it achieves it's objective as i feel it turns the student off about 1/3rd of the way in to a very long session.


Slow to load, low quality video, the transcript doesn't include all of the information required and isn't an actual transcript, difficult to do in one session as took so long to complete given the slow loading (when other pages on the same computer/browser/internet connection were loading just fine).

Failed to load content of two sections

There were two sections of the course which failed to load, which then meant I wasn't able to achieve 100% success rate. Otherwise the course was clear and helpful as a refresher, especially with the winter months now coming up.


No summary provided

Well presented

No summary provided


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