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Easy to follow

Clear information given that’s interesting and easy to understand.

The course was visually excellent and informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


Loved learned new stuff

informative easy to understand

really enjoyed the training it was easy to follow and very informative with easy to follow steps

Clear and informative

The course offers information regarding diabetes in a clear and structured, also very entertaining, way. The units are short and to the point. Probably the best compliment is: once you start the course you don't want to leave off. Very fine piece of "edutainment".

Understandable and easy to follow

I enjoyed the course as it was informative and knowledgeable. As you say the amount of children having diabetes is growing so my knowledge needs to stay as up to date as possible.

Well worth doing.

As a First Aider, it is possible that I may have to deal with a diabetic episode at some stage. This course gives an excellent view of the problems that may be encountered, their solutions and also procedures that should be follwed.

Very interesting and informative

It was interesting and informative! The use of videos and photos made it easy to remember the details!

Learnt new key facts about diabetes

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars