Cyber Security Awareness Training, Page 815 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

9772 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
This is an excellent course.

Excellent course and very easy to follow and understand. I would highly recommend it.

Sensible and helpful

I was already aware of much of the content but it was useful to be reminded of the safety measures and consequences of ignoring them. A few grammatical errors could do with correcting.


Clear explanations with visual examples and aids helped to convey key principles and concepts concisely and effectively. I came away knowing things I was not aware of previously.

Great easy to follow.

This is the fifth Cyber Security course that have done in the last 18 months and is the best one to date. It was easy to access, & easy to use.

Very clear cyber security awareness

This training was very clear in terms of messaging, avoided using jargon unnecessarily and clearly explained the terms that it did use, making it non-technical and more about day to day good practice aligned to organisational policies and procedures (useful for personal computing too). It was good that the key messages were spoken in the videos with graphics that helped understanding/memory and written at the end and therefore catered for different learning preferences. The test was straight forward after the training.

A very informative course

This was a very informative course but it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know.

Succinct and very informative

A brief presentation covering all aspects of cyber security. The training was informative, interesting and a good way to emphasis the importance of a robust IT security system and the requirement for everyone in an organization to implement good IT housekeeping in line with company policy to prevent potential security breaches.

Great training to have

This is really an eye-opener. It is worth spending time to do this training. Every employee must have this basic training.

Excellent summary

Security is particularly important to all of us and I found this training to be useful on a work-related basis and at a personal level.

Very interesting and imformative

A definite course to do for work and home awareness


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