Cyber Security Awareness Training, Page 150 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

9771 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Too long and not actionable

Too much time is spent talking about good practice that organisations should enable for their staff, but staff cannot apply this if the systems they use don't have MFA or there is no Password Manager. This makes the course long, and people will lose confidence in all the material if they aren't able to implement parts of it. The mention of VPNs is just plain wrong. Simply using a VPN service when working on public Wi-Fi does not increase security any more than the other measures such as checking for HTTPS, expected URLs etc. Also, a VPN may be used for remote access to corporate resources. Using a VPN like this from a public WiFi might actually be higher risk. The term VPN no longer has the same common meaning it had five years ago, so it really needs reviewing in this course.

Very informative

No summary provided

Helpful and engaging

Clear and concise information and good to have questions after each section. This helped to make sure I understood what was being shown. Easy to engage and a good length.


No summary provided

Too bitty and slow

The information was good, but watching it in a whole load of 2 minute videos where the speaker talks very slowly is pretty draining. I don't know how long it was overall, but if it could have been in 3 10/15 minute blocks with questions in-between, and the option to put it on 1.75x speed would have really helped me concentrate. As it was, it was extremely dull and difficult to pay attention to.

Informative, thorough and well presented

No summary provided

Important information for all workers

Important information and terms that everyone may not be aware but are crucial to security.

Extremely clear and concise

No summary provided


I have good knowledge

Learnt Lots!

Found some information overwhelming and bordering on too much to remember, however I did find 60% of the course very enlightening. Thank you.


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