Cyber Security Awareness Training, Page 143 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

9764 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Videos made it clear& easy to understand

No summary provided

Bite-size modules, but a lot of them!

A clearly presented course, best tackled in two or more parts. Seeing at the start that there would be 31 elements was rather offputting! The 10 questions at the end are quite random. Some of the correct answers are not of constructive use in protecting against cyber threats, I feel. A different selection of questions would test one's useful knowledge better.

instructive and simple to understand

Lots of resources and as detailed as a user could need.

Well presented training

The course was very informative and certainly raised my awareness of cyber security. Also a good idea to put in a short break midway through the training

Good to know

Good to know what is cyber security for any electrical equipment.

Very informative and easy to follow

No summary provided

Well Presented

Course is well presented and very clear and easy to understand Most is quite basic knowledge, but essential for the targeted audience

It was useful and I learn a lot from it.

No summary provided

present in a way that is easy to follow

Very well presented, speaker was slow and precise. The ability to stop and review is a great feature.

This training was quite interesting.

I didn't like the mis-use of certain words such as the constant reference to certain IT systems/practices being "unsecure" as opposed to being "insecure". There was a lack of punctuation throughout the text and found it ironic after the advice that one should look for poor punctuation and/or spelling to indicate if email is from an unreliable source only to be followed by a list of items which weren't punctuated.


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