COSHH Training, Page 700 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

7018 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Clear and to the point, easy to follow

As usual a good video, easy to follow, can be used in any industry as the material is for everyone. Will be purchasing a copy of the video to share with both current & new staff.

Good overview pitched at the right level

The session covers all the key areas of COSHH. It could possibly benefit from a little more detail in relation to what chemicals shouldn't be mixed. Maybe give some exmamples? The workplace expsoure limits section might also benefit from a little more detail?Overall very good and another hit.

I enjoyed this programme .

I was able to do this programme at my own pace ,It was spelled out clearly ,each tasks.

4 Stars

Excellent as an introduction to the new GHS/CLP regulation and basic CoSHH training. I will indeed be using this as part of our induction process to our laboratories and production operatives and as part of my first aid training so first aiders can be aware of chemical dangers.

Easy to follow Course

Easy to follow course which gives the fundamentals of COSHH without getting bogged down in unnecessary detail. Very useful course for those whose first language is not English.

Easy to understand and not too long!

Simple no-nonsense COSHH training, delivered in a short session - perfect

3 Stars

Listening to someone talking to you over the computer for a period of time is distracting and my mind wanders and i tend to loose concentration.Overall i did find it quite informative especially the changed signs.

5 Stars

the programme is succinct and informative and I found it a good refresher

Good straightforward and concise.

Very well explained. This will be very good for our ground staff with regard to PPE and thinking about health and safety in their workplace.

Easy to understand, no legal jargan

Really effective way of giving specialist training to key members of staff. Its good to do on a one to one basis.


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