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Very good and informative

Good course, not too long, very useful and to the point

Easy to understand

Great useful and concise

Really in enjoyed

Learned a lot with this I really appreciated it

I found this subject interesting

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


I enjoyed the course content – very insightful

The course was simple and condensed good quality information in a short time

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear, concise giving clear messages

The Coaching / Mentoring course gave clear messages and pointers to help improve the skills needed to make the coaching and mentoring relationships effective for both parties involved

basic, introduction to..

Given more scenarios as to what a coach / mentor would do. More questions?

This is a good overview of the subject

The course doesn't develop much into what makes a good or bad mentor and just provides a basic overview of the subject.

Very clear information.

Good additional learning information. Very clear explanation and examples of the difference between coaching and mentoring