Bullying & Harassment Training, Page 155 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

1797 reviews

  • 84% 5
  • 10% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
5 Stars

Great and Informative course

Interesting course

This course was interesting, I learned the difference between harassment and bullying. Also the importance of being respectful of others people’s feelings and beliefs

Covers subject well

This was a good course as I felt it covered the subject on Bullying and Harrassment well.

Overly long

Quite a comprehensive video, and the advice is easy to say but not easy to put into practice despite peoples best intentions / efforts, don't think seeing this video will deter the bully

Inadvertantly empowering rascists

I was very concerned that you decided to portray a black woman as the bully of a white man. Your video states that she is a bully if she makes him feel uncomfortable. The video then advises that this is the case even if she is not intending harm, or says she is the victim. The sub-text is that, if a person of colour makes a white person uncomfortable, regardless of what they have experienced, then they are the "bad guy". I feel that this message, although unintentional, is actively harmful.The obvious scenario: a black woman expereinces rascism from a white man and tells him so, which causes him to feel concerned about potentially facing repercussions. Your video states that in this scenario she is the bully, and he the victim. That is clearly not the correct conclusion.This narrative is commonly used by rascists to avoid being challenged, twisting a valid complaint to "If you're saying that this is about race, then you're the real rascist". It's very damaging because it makes it harder for people to speak out against rascism, and supports those who wish to continue to harass without consequences. I'm sure this was not your intention.This message was further reinforced by the section on protected characteristics, where a white man was used as an example of the "race" characteristic, protected from harassment by a black woman. This again implies support for a white person claiming harassment if a person of colour challenges them on their own or systemic rascism. I would imagine that the intention was to state that rascism is unacceptable and encourage people to challenge it. You have, however, given the opposite message.The rest of the video was of good quality, but inadvertantly empowering rascists and discouraging people who experience rascism has resulted in the poor score.

a good comprehensive guide

very informative and was a real eye opener to how things can bee seen as bullying and harassment

Videos waste of time

Couldn't skip the videos so I played them muted in the background while doing something important, to get to the test. Vaguely glanced at the slides at the end of the videos before clicking next. Upgraded to 2 stars because the first training I did set such a low standard that it would have been hard to be as bad or worse.

good course

No summary provided


Quick and easy to understand. Useful and will help in future.

Straight foward course

Easy to understand course, these things should be obvious but of course are not to some sadly.


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