Bomb Threats and Suspicious Packages Training, Page 31 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.8

403 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 0% 2
  • 0% 1
Good content, and certainly enlightening

Good content, and certainly enlightening. I am now more aware of the process if something is spotted. I don't however, know who else in the organisation has been through this training course. As the site Emergency coordinator, I need to know others on the premises are also aware of these guidance notes/forms/protocol and who to report to.

Information is presented very clearly.

The way the information was presented was easy to understand. It was short and simple, but still included all the essential information needed to learn what to do in that scenario. The mans voice/ accent/ volume of speech was also very clear, he didn't mumble or talk to fast so it was easy to take in all of the information. The few questions between the presentaion were helpful and enabled you to interact, so you could see yourself you were retaining the information and not just half listening to someone talking. It also helped a bit to remeber information for the questions at the of the presentaion.

I think this course is invaluable

I found this course most interesting and informative - you think you know what you would do in a situation like this but there are so many things you wouldn't think of and the content from this course will always be in the back of your mind.

Really interesting and informative

I found this course to be most interesting. It was well presented and every aspect was explained fully and clearly.

quick, thorough and concise.

A good informative course that alerts and reminds you of what we should be looking out for and what information we need to retain.




No summary provided

Great course and clearly explained

No summary provided

It was simple and easy to follow.

E-learning is not always the best way for me to learn as I sometimes lose concentration as it it not interactive enough.

Good information

1 of the questions i believe to be wrong. We had an officer at our work who said muster points should not be used as thy make your company an easy target. All staff should disperse when evacuating a building


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