Anti-Bribery Training, Page 333 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

4088 reviews

  • 82% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
it was an ok course

No summary provided

very good

It was very informative and i learnt things that I previously didn't know . Interesting course!

An important and necessary course

In fact, it is a very useful course and the way it is presented is excellent. thank you very much

Very clear

Very clear explanations. Interesting.

It sensitize us vs. bribery

It is a very good test for sensitize us against bribery. It would be nice it is available in the future also in German language. Thank you

Straight forward and easy to understand

Easy to follow and understand the content. A few of the questions in the test got me as the difference between right and wrong was a bit subtle but on the whole straight forward

Very Good

Very good explanation what is bribery are.

Very Good

Very good explanation what is bribery are.

Need better translation

To much google translate.

Was a good course

One suggestion. The course needs a sleep mode. After 5 mins no activity then go to sleep. I see I spent 233 mins on it but many of those were where I went and watched cricket. An overall comment for any company. The challenge now is in the doing. Setting up the policies and procedures and training/enacting/enforcing them. If you "talk the talk" you must "walk the walk".


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