Anti-Bribery Training, Page 267 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

4088 reviews

  • 82% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Course was ok.

The representative was clear but maybe a touch too concise. The volume changed drove me nuts .. up for some and down for others, there is no greater annoyance.

great refresher

enough content to keep upto date and refresh against this subject

it is useful and easy to follow

No summary provided

Clear, broken down in to key elements

Repeating key points of the training to ensure it is understood. Good use of examples and questions to test understanding

Learnt a lot with the exception below...

The scenario about taking your family out for 'mirrored' hospitality may not be bribery (although I'm not sure) but it's not right either yet the situation as described gives a false impression that it might be... like where does it stop, can the grand parents who live with us come too!

thorough, clear, slow

All aspects clearly covered but it takes a long time to cover the topics. It may be helpful to allow learners to read the transcript or speed up playback to suit their own learning style.

Doesn't apply to me

No summary provided

Very informative and easy to follow.

No summary provided

Anti-Bribery Training'

The course is very informative but quite long and there a lot of information to take in

Excellent training videos / course info

No summary provided


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