Anti-Bribery Training, Page 163 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

4092 reviews

  • 82% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1
Useful course

It's been very useful. I got detailed information about bribery.

Good Informative course

I found this course very interesting and informative. Thanks

This was helpful.

it was good knowing the border lines and steps to take in any situation in order to prevent myself or my company from being guilty of bribery

This course was really helpful.

No summary provided


It was very beautiful to have this course, Trust me have really learnt alot, thanks to you for making this amazing opportunity for me.

I enjoyed the course

The course is easy to follow and broken up into short videos. My 1 criticism is you have to press next at the end of each video to start the next one. Would be better if they just played the next one automatically.

Easily understood and easy to remember.

The course is concise, has easily remembered points and explanations. Delivered in a relaxed style using plain English.

An easy and well laid out course.

No summary provided

I found the training educative

The training was educative, and it was easy to understand, and the test made it more challenging. I loved it

Excellently covered concisely.

The 'Anti Bribery Training' is a good course that's really easy to follow with everything explained really well. It goes through items nice and slowly with a good use of graphics.


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