Anti-Bribery Training, Page 12 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

4081 reviews

  • 82% 5
  • 12% 4
  • 3% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 1% 1


Excellent course

Easy to follow course, with short sections so you don't lose focus and full or information.

Training is really informative

No summary provided

Good, but dodgy quiz question

Are you committing a crime if you ask for a reward for something you do? A. Yes, if you are offering to purposely do something against proper procedure B. Yes, asking for a reward if always a criminal offence C. No, asking for a reward is never a criminal offence. I chose B, because if I start asking for money from a customer or supplier for just doing my job properly according to correct procedure, then it sounds suspiciously like I'm asking for a bribe (a facility payment). However, the "Correct" answer is "A". I believe that both A and B are correct answers.

Informative, engaging and appropriate

It might not be the most inspiring subject, but knowing how not to fall foul of the law should be of interest to anyone. The subtleties of bribery makes it necessary for a brief training session. The format was engaging with the mixture of videos, scenarios, questions and the exam at the end. The level seemed appropriate to give the vital information without being too detailed or vague.

Great - The questions were easy though

No summary provided


No summary provided

Thought Provoking Seminar

Important to understand the company policy and know what is and is not acceptable behaviour

Good course

Very informative, good content

Language should be native

I understood the course but it should have been in Dutch to make understanding easier. Also it is always better to ask positive answers. (Don't ask questions "What not to do" but what to do)


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