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Useful information

Its a very useful informational course, gets lots of information about different types of Allergies and how we can help the children who are suffering from them.

This training is so useful

This training about Allergies and Anaphylaxis is so useful to know. I didn’t even know about Anaphylaxis until now so I’ve learnt something new. I’ve really enjoyed this training I must say and the information is so useful to know and it can help anyone and yourself knowing this information.

Very easy to access and professional

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

excellent course

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very important training

This training is very important and need to be done at least once a year.


The videos showing how to administer the auto injector and CPR and the downloadable instructions were very useful. This course was more practical than most hence the 5 stars


A good planned session on allergy and anaphylaxis. All information was given and new knowledge with exercise and allergy.

Information was fairly easy to remember but very long and repetitive when really took away from key points.

This user gave this course a rating of 3/5 stars

Unnecessarily slow and not tailored to university

The possibility of changing the video speed or simply reading the transcript without watching the video would have been highly appreciated. Instead, I felt forced to listen for 45 minutes to something I would have been able to read in 15.

Useful to revisit

Melanie Serjeant