This course covers standard 12 of the Care Certificate and requires staff to “Provide basic life support to those in care”

  • Health & Safety
  • 40 languages
  • 30m

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the DR ABC (Dr ABC), what it stands for and how it allows you to to perform a primary survey
  • Understand what you are required to know as part of Standard 12 of the Care certificate
  • Understand what to do if an adult, a child or an infant is choking

Covered in this course

Course contents

This training course is broken down into 4 sections

  1. 1
    Basic Life Support for Adults
  2. 2
    Treating a Choking Child
  3. 3
    Obstructed Airways – Infants
  4. 4
    Training and Record Keeping

About this course

This basic life support training course provides learners with essential life support information and it does not replace practical training. You’ll need to complete hands-on basic life support training to be able to physically administer the care too.

Our training can be broken down into 3 basic elements, initial assessment (primary survey), airway maintenance and CPR. The primary survey can be remembered through the acronym DRSABCD (Dr’s ABCD).

  • D – Danger – Check it is safe to approach the casualty.
  • R – Response – Is the casualty alert and talking?
  • S – Shout for help.
  • A – Airways – Open their airway if unresponsive.
  • B – Breathing – Look to see if they are breathing normally.
  • C – CPR/circulation – If not breathing, commence CPR, if breathing check for bleeding & put in the recovery position.
  • D – If CPR is needed a defibrillator should be used alongside it if possible.

This course includes information about CPR, the respiratory system, obstructed airways (adults & children), and record-keeping.

This course also equips learners with the essential knowledge needed to administer basic life support in care. Not only can this help save lives, but our training will also help you adhere to Standard 12 of the Care Certificate’s Standards and work towards remaining legally compliant.

We also provide 14 other Online Care Certificate Courses if you’re looking for training that covers the entire collection of standards.

You can access our free worksheet that has been designed to accompany our online basic life support training. In each section, there is a box for you to tick when you have watched the relevant slide in our course. You can also take notes that will help you during your practical assessment at work.

This course equips learners with the knowledge that’s required to be put into practice in the workplace, whereby they can do the ‘practical’ part of their training, followed by having the Care Certificate supplied to them by their management as they meet the required standards. These courses provide part of training but practical training is still required to obtain the care certificate.

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The importance of Basic Life Support in Care Training

It's important that you comply with the law and understand the positive impact this training course can have on your organisation and employees.

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Available in 40 languages

All inclusive

Machine translated* content is included for free with all our popular courses

It covers LMS navigation, course transcripts and test questions. If you don’t see a course listed in the language you require, just let us know.

*Content which is not English may be machine translated and is for assistive purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of translations.

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Basic Life Support Training certificate

Download and print

Each of our courses ends with a multiple-choice test to measure your knowledge of the material.

This Basic Life Support in Care Training course concludes with a 20 question multiple choice test with a printable certificate. In addition, brief in-course questionnaires guide the user through the sections of the training and are designed to reinforce learning and ensure maximum user engagement throughout.

As well as printable user certificates, training progress and results are all stored centrally in your LMS (Learning Management System) and can be accessed any time to reprint certificates, check and set pass marks and act as proof of a commitment to ongoing legal compliance.

What does my certificate include?

Your Basic Life Support in Care Certificate includes your name, company name (if applicable), name of course taken, pass percentage, date of completion, expiry date and stamps of approval or accreditations by recognised authorities.

Please note if you are using our course content via SCORM in a third party LMS then we are unable to provide certificates and you will need to generate these in your host LMS yourself.

515 real user reviews


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great to do a refresher

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great to do a refresher

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great to do a refresher

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good course

useful course

An educational course

Easy to understand

I have learned alot

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This is really important

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Why is this basic life support training important?


It’s important that you comply with the law and know the ways in which it affects you and the way you work.

Our basic life support course will help you comply with the law and adhere to the care sector’s rigorous standards.

Basic Life Support in Care is Standard 12 out of 15 standards in the Care Certificate. The Care Certificate is an agreed group of standards that set out what is expected of the job roles in the health and social care sector. It forms part of an induction programme that should be covered if you are ‘new to care’.

The Care Certificate was developed by Skills for Care, Health Education England and Skills for Health.

Ready to get started?

We’ve helped over 10,000 organisations easily work towards legislative compliance. Let us help you too.

Basic Life Support in Care Training FAQs