Essential Training for Care Workers
Our bundle of training courses are essential for care workers and provide a simple way of helping Care staff stay safe, happy, and productive at work.
- Suitable for anybody working in the care sector
- Skills for Care endorsed eLearning provider
- Easily work towards compliance with UK legislation
- Trusted by over 10,000 UK organisations
- Rated excellent online
- Engaging, animated courses that hold learners attention
Fire Awareness Training in Care
IIRSM approved Fire Awareness training for anybody working in the care sector. Crucial health and safety information regarding risk assessment, fire signage, and emergency procedures. Our fire safety training for hospital staff and care homes is the best way to ensure employees understand their responsibilities with our Skills for Care Endorsed Course.
Fire Warden Training in Care
A comprehensive online course with everything needed to become a trained Fire Warden or Fire Marshal. Content aimed specifically at professionals in the Care industry.
Safeguarding Adults Level 2 Training
This IIRSM approved Safeguarding Adults course – formerly known as Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) – covers levels 1 & 2 and is for anyone who works with, helps, or supports adults at risk. It covers the signs of abuse and explains what to do if you suspect something is happening to an adult at risk, or adults in a vulnerable situation. It's all about sensitive handling and timely intervention.
Safeguarding Children – Level 2 Training
This Safeguarding Children training course covers both levels 1 & 2 and also covers standard 11 of the Care Certificate. The WHO estimated that up to 1 billion minors between the ages of 2 and 17 years of age have endured physical, emotional, or sexual violence. This is why Safeguarding Children training is essential for anyone who comes into contact with children, either at work or as a volunteer. This course covers the often-difficult subject of child abuse; considering the different kinds of abuse, how to spot the signs, and how to correctly and discreetly report your concerns so that the problem is addressed.
Assessing Mental Capacity Training
This Assessing Mental Capacity training course guides you through the process of assessing a person's mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. It looks at the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the 5 key principles involved in assessing mental capacity. It also looks at capacity assessment examples and how to deal with disagreements and complaints.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Training
This online DoLS Training explains what needs to be done before a deprivation of liberty can be authorised. It has been designed to be used by anyone who cares for someone who may lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves.
Medication Awareness Training for Care
This Medication Awareness Training course is specifically targeted at care workers who look after residents in a care home. It provides an overview of how to manage residents’ medical needs; the legal responsibilities involved; and how to deliver, store, and dispose of medication and effectively manage doses.
Infection Prevention & Control in Care Training
This Infection Prevention & Control in Care Training is based on Standard 15 of the Care Certificate. Infection control is an important issue. This online training programme has been designed to explain why it’s so important and to show you what you can do to help to avoid infections from spreading.
Moving and Handling People Training
This online Moving and Handling training explains the process of moving someone safely and gives step-by-step guidance, showing the most common lifts and moves. This training is ideal for those working in the care sector, where moving and handling people are regular occurrences.
Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention Training
This Slips, Trips and Falls training programme is designed to ensure all staff understand why slips, trips and falls happen and what they can do to reduce this risk and avoid incidents of the most common workplace accidents. It's IOSH Approved and one of our most popular courses to date!
First Aid Appointed Person Training
This First Aid Appointed Person Course is designed to educate a designated individual within an organisation about their responsibilities as a First Aid Appointed Person. It's Endorsed by Skills for Care and is one of our shortest courses at just 20 minutes long for your convenience.
Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disabilities Training
Our Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disabilities in Care Course works in conjunction with Standard 9 of the Care Certificate and provides awareness training that teaches carers to be aware of mental health conditions, learning disabilities and dementia within a care setting.
Spill Kit Training: Bodily Fluids
This Spill Kit Training for Bodily Fluids Training course aims to teach you best practices when handling spillages of bodily fluids. It covers the best way to prevent spillages and how to use the equipment safely. We also look at the potential risks associated with these hazardous spills. This course is CPD Accredited.
Sharps Training
This Sharps Training focuses on the dangers associated with Sharps, the potential health risks and the handling and disposal of Sharps objects. It also looks at The Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013 and covers what PPE equipment is available.
Emergency First Aid at Work Training – Refresher
This online Emergency First Aid at Work Training is an essential course for emergency first aiders in the workplace. Emergencies can happen at any time, in any place so it is important that employees and employers are equipped with the skills to help someone when an accident or emergency occurs. This refresher course is the perfect course for emergency first aiders in any workplace or industry. This course is IIRSM Approved.
Mental Health Awareness Training for Carers and Nurses
This IIRSM approved Mental Health Awareness Training for Carers and Nurses aims to break the stigma surrounding mental-ill health in the care industry. It also contains extra resources and a wellbeing toolkit to manage day-to-day mental health.
Risk Assessment Training
This Risk Assessment Training is a key Health & Safety course that teaches you both what Risk Assessments are, as well as how and when to perform them. Understand the benefits of comprehensive risk assessments, and comply with basic legislation. This Risk Assessment Training is IOSH approved.
Our team of experts
We’ve helped thousands of UK businesses easily work towards compliance with Health & Safety and HR legislation…
Your Legal Care Responsibilities
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards 2009
The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards can only be used if the person will be deprived of their liberty in a care home or hospital.
Mental Capacity Act 2005
This legislation allows restraint and restrictions to be used – but only if they are in a person’s best interests.
Care Act 2014
The Care Act helps to improve people’s independence and wellbeing. It makes clear that local authorities must provide or arrange services that help prevent people developing needs for care and support or delay people deteriorating such that they would need ongoing care and support. –
The Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013
This Act was created to prevent injuries from sharps in hospitals and the healthcare sector. The main aim is to protect people from blood borne viruses.