Why Should I Provide Health & Safety Training?
Posted 5 years ago
There are a number of very compelling reasons for offering staff Health & Safety and HR Compliance training. Did you know that new cases of work-related injuries and ill health costs UK businesses over 31 million lost working days and over £9.7 billion every year?
In some cases, you HAVE to. It’s quite simply the law. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires the employer to provide whatever information and training that is needed to ensure the safety of staff.
Other legislation such as the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 explicitly require employers to offer specific training and to repeat such training regularly.
Employers should offer Health & Safety and HR Compliance training because it makes sense and improves profitability. Good Health & Safety training will reduce accidents and work-related illnesses whilst simultaneously improving your team’s loyalty, productivity, and resilience. Furthermore, HR Compliance training will go a long way in helping your staff better understand things like data protection, safeguarding, and conflict in the workplace. Additionally, many HR courses help your staff perform work of a specialised nature.
Did you know that you can cover the basics and essentials of Health & Safety with our Health & Safety Essentials Training? Taking just 40 minutes to complete, it will give your staff a solid understanding of the Health & Safety at Work Act and their legal responsibilities. It’s one of our most popular courses to date with over 250,000 completions and over 3,500 reviews.

What does the HSE say about training?
The HSE does not specify what kind of training you have to provide as long as it is clear to understand, appropriate for the risks involved and meets the needs of all of your staff.
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires you to provide whatever information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of your employees. This is expanded by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, which identify situations where health and safety training is particularly important, eg when people start work, on exposure to new or increased risks and where existing skills may have become rusty or need updating.
So, employers cannot avoid providing their staff with training. However, they are completely free to choose the training that suits them. Providing staff with training should not be a hassle, complicated, nor should it be expensive. Our training provides a simple, yet highly effective way of working towards compliance with legislation and your staff will love it, see for yourself here.
Please feel free to contact us on 01344 867088 and ask further questions if you need to, we are always delighted to help wherever we can. Or, if you’d like to trial some of our courses, you can do so at any time with a free trial.
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