Who governs the Food industry?

Posted 10 years ago

Who governs the Food industry?

The Food Standards Agency is concerned with the whole food industry – from farming, food production and distribution, to retail and catering. It addresses food safety issues at every stage of the chain, providing information and guidance on best practice and legal requirements. A question clients have been asking a lot is “Is iHasco Food Safety & Hygiene training accredited by the CIEH?”. In short no, because it doesn’t need to be. However our Food Hygiene courses are approved by RoSPA and both courses:

  • Are accepted by Local Authorities
  • Match CIEH and RSPH syllabus
  • Meet UK/EU legal requirements
  • Follows the National Occupational Standards (for occupations in the food & drink manufacturing industry).

These courses include Food Hygiene Level 1 training, Food Hygiene Level 2 training and Food Hygiene Level 3 training online.

There is no legal requirement or instruction from the Food Standards Agency to choose any specific training – thankfully employers and business owners are completely free to choose the training that best suits their needs. The CIEH offer their own training and charge third party trainers, such as ourselves, such huge fees to endorse training that we opted not to apply for accreditation from them and keep our prices low.