Upcoming improvements to how you enrol users in courses
Posted 5 years ago
We’ve been working on some significant changes to how you manage user enrolments in courses within the LMS. Starting early next month you’ll see a new improved interface for managing enrolments in the LMS and a much simpler process for including enrolments in a CSV file import.
We’ve re-imagined how course enrolments work with a new modal dialog which gives you fine grained control over whether a user (or multiple users) are enroled in or unenroled from any number of courses, additionally you can just choose to leave their enrolments for a specific course ‘as is’. This modal dialog is less obtrusive so the context of what you’re doing is much clearer, and furthermore the options presented by the dialog make it much easier to understand what the outcome of your changes will be.

In addition to this new improved dialog we’ve also spent a great deal of time looking at how we handle enrolments via a CSV file. We looked at a range of CSV files provided by clients and identified patterns in how you typically want to describe columns and denote enrolments. We now accept CSV files with english language column headers (such as “First name”) and optional fields and enrolment fields can include descriptive language too.
For example you could include an optional field column with any descriptive value, you just denote which field it maps to in your LMS by appending a value of “:opt_field1”, “:opt_field2” etc. Our importer only cares about the “:opt_fieldX” value.
Most importantly the same is true of enrolments. If you have courses with an enrolment method of “By assignment only” you can add an additional column to your CSV file for each course containing a descriptive name for the course and append “:courseX” to the end, where X is the ID of the course.
To make life even easier we’ve also improved our user export process so you can export, make changes, import and repeat (ad infinitum!) to more easily manage changes to your users and enrolments.
We’re really looking forward to launching these new improved enrolment features and welcome your feedback. As ever, our customer support team are always on hand to help you with any queries you may have.

Nathan Pitman
Managing Director
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