Q2 2020 Product Development Update
Posted 5 years ago
It hardly seems possible but a full 91 days have passed since our last quarterly product update and during that time everyone here at iHasco has been working at home after we closed the office at the end of March. You’ll be glad to know that this hasn’t stopped us from delivering a whole host of new features so without further ado here’s your quarterly update on (almost) everything that’s changed:
- We added learning outcomes to course overview screens in the LMS for your learners
- We improved error messages throughout the application to make them more descriptive
- We changed how we handle responses to test querstions to make things feel snappier for your learners
- We added the ability for you to specify free text training administrator contact details for more flexible email template sign-offs
- We added a new feature that lets you save internal notes against users in the LMS
- We improved the user interface for managing organisational segments, including adding the ability to create complex ‘multi argument’ segments
- We made it possible for learners to skip videos when reviewing a course they’ve already completed
- We tweaked our SCORM packages to make them more resiliant and to allow for fullscreen video playback in third party LMS’s
- We added the ability for you to specify a user language preference in a bulk user upload
- We added a suite of tools in the LMS to help you manage users for which emails have bounced (Support docs coming soon!)
- We added support to documents and policies for organisational segments, this means you can now link documents to a specific segment (Support docs coming soon!)
- We completely overhauled how we deliver certificates to make bulk downloads more reliable and to package individual certificate PDFs together in a single ZIP file
Finally, not to be forgotton, we also launched our brand new support knowledge base and integrated this with the LMS to make it even easier for you to get support where and when you need it.
Worried that you’re missing out? Take a look at our release notes to stay up to date on all the new incremental improvements and major releases. We even provide the option to subscribe via email or RSS if you want to know as soon as something changes.

Nathan Pitman
Managing Director
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