iHasco achieve Investors in People Award
Posted 6 years ago

Investors in People Silver Award
At iHasco we have been working with Investors In People to evaluate our management and leadership, and after a few short months, we’re delighted to announce that we now have a Silver IIP Award! This means we’re in the top 8% of companies that have worked with IIP.
What is/who are Investors in People?
IIP works with organisations to better leadership and makes workplaces as enjoyable and rewarding as possible.
An independent, not for profit company that encourages continuous improvement. We thought it was pretty fitting seeing as one of our core values is to ‘seek constant improvement’.
Why is it important?
This is the start of a journey!
iHasco’s management team have been working to maintain and develop a great place to work and to offer helpful and effective leadership. This has now been officially recognised, following an IIP practitioner interviewing staff, conducting an online questionnaire, and a management review.
What’s next?
Similar to Investors In People, at IHASCO we strongly believe in the importance of continuous improvement.
The report provided by IIP will assist the management team in ensuring the environment at IHASCO is as engaging and rewarding as possible. We will now be working to further improve our leadership and management skills and activities.
This is with the aim of ensuring iHasco continues to be a fun, caring and prosperous place to work!
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