Download our free DSE & Workstation Checklist for Staff

Posted 5 years ago

Download our free DSE & Workstation Checklist for Staff

Almost every business will have staff that regularly work with display screen equipment. These staff are known as ‘DSE users’ and under the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations, employers have a responsibility to make sure they do all that is reasonably practicable to protect these users from health risks.

For most businesses, all that’s required is to conduct a series of straightforward, simple tasks.

Due to the variables that inevitably exist in each workplace, our list may not be definitive but it does cover the essentials of protecting DSE user’s health.

This checklist can be printed off and given to staff to fill out. If they raise concerns on any of the fields, you must do all that is reasonably practicable to sort out the issue as soon as possible.

Our resource includes:

  • Important information for employers and responsible persons regarding DSE
  • A printable checklist for staff including questions on their monitors, chairs, mouse, keyboard, laptops and the environment around them
  • Information on other resources and how you can keep up-to-date and informed

Download Our Checklist Today

Disclaimer – this checklist is not a definitive list and Health & Safety responsibilities/duties vary depending on the type and size of businesses. This checklist is to be used as rough guidance only. iHasco assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the contents of this document.

Our online DSE course also contains a DSE Assessment which gathers staff answers and keeps all recordings in your Learning Management System for your convenience.

Online DSE Training

This checklist provides you with a reminder of how to correctly set up and use your DSE.

Read the statements below carefully. If a statement is not true, you should let your employer or responsible person know.


  • Your main monitor is central on your desk and is roughly an arm’s length away. When sitting in a neutral position, you are directly facing the monitor.
  • Your monitor is free from glare and doesn’t flicker.
  • Your eyes are roughly level with the top of your main screen and your current DSE set up allows for you to keep your head, neck, and shoulders straight and relaxed.
  • Your monitor can be tilted and raised/lowered if needed.
  • The brightness and contrast of your monitor can be changed.
  • The size of text on your screen is readable and isn’t too small.


  • Your chair is adjustable in height, has free moving wheels, is stable and is padded.
  • Your chair has lumbar support for your lower back.
  • Your feet are flat on the floor or a footrest when sitting in your chair.
  • You can position your chair comfortably in front of your desk.


  • Your mouse is a suitable shape and size and fits comfortably into your hand.
  • Your mouse supports the neutral position of your wrist and you have wrist support if necessary.
  • The buttons on your mouse are not stiff or are not overly sensitive.
  • Your mouse is kept clean so it can move smoothly.
  • You don’t have to stretch to reach your mouse and your elbow is roughly by your side when your mouse is in use, with your elbow at a slightly open-angle.


  • Your keyboard is separated from the screen so it can be positioned suitably.
  • Your keyboard is directly in front of you with the ‘h’ key in line with the centre of your body.
  • The keys on your keyboard are not stiff and only require a soft touch.


  • You have a stand or raised support for your laptop so you can position it at an appropriate height.
  • You have a separate mouse and keyboard so you can adapt the correct posture.
  • You avoid working with your laptop on your lap at work as this can lead to a bad posture.


  • Your desk and other surroundings are not made of materials which cause glare.
  • Your desk is at a suitable height so you have adequate space underneath.
  • Your desk isn’t crowded and you have enough space for all of your equipment.
  • Windows that cause glare have blinds.
  • Your workspace has adequate lighting to prevent eye strain.
  • The room you work in is of a suitable temperature.

Information for Employers/Responsible Person

We understand that the responsibility of keeping each and every one of your employees can be daunting but remember, we are always on hand to help with any queries on concerns and we are just a phone call or an email away!

Here are some other bits of information and things that you can do to make your life just that little bit easier:

1. Appoint a competent person to help you meet your Health and Safety duties

This person must have or gain the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to manage Health and Safety. In smaller businesses it may be the owner or director or an experienced employee. You can even appoint an external consultant. What’s important is that someone has the overall responsibility.

2. Provide training and information

Training and instruction must be provided FREE and during work time. There is a wealth of Health & Safety legislation covering everything from food hygiene and fire awareness, through to manual handling and operating display screen equipment. The one thing all such legislation has in common is the need to train and instruct staff. You are free to choose the type of training you offer and can appoint an external training provider, or in some circumstances train employees yourself.

Some training is mandatory, such as Fire Awareness Training and DSE Training (for those who regularly use DSE). Other training can be mandatory depending on job role.

  • NEED HELP? We offer a range of high-quality interactive courses perfect for all organisations and you can try them for free at any time without obligation.

3. DSE (Display Screen Equipment)

You’re legally required to provide all staff who regularly use Display Screen Equipment (including tablets and mobiles) with DSE Training. You need to consider the type of DSE you provide them with and ensure it’s suitable for the work they’re carrying out. This also includes staff who work from home.

  • NEED HELP? We supply IOSH Approved DSE Training and a Health & Safety programme for homeworkers. Our course also contains an online DSE Assessment which gathers staff answers and keeps all recordings in your Learning Management System for your convenience.

4. And finally, keep up-to-date

You have an obligation to keep up to date with Health & Safety news and events in your industry.

  • NEED HELP? You can subscribe to various RSS feeds and we recommend you bookmark the HSE website ( We post any significant news on our site, so it’s worth reading our blog. We also send out industry-specific monthly newsletters, which you can subscribe to here. Our clients can rest assured in the knowledge that should best practice or legislation change, we will notify them.