What Does First Aid Training Consist Of?

Posted 3 years ago

What Does First Aid Training Consist Of?

First aid training is an integral part of any business/workplace safety program. Accidents and medical emergencies can happen anytime, and having a well-trained first aid team ready to respond can make all the difference in the outcome.

It’s true that first aid in the workplace can range from dealing with minor bumps, burns and cuts to treating and preventing a serious incident or injury. Having reliable and adequate first aid training can help employees feel more confident and prepared to handle an emergency situation should it arise and the quality of training given can ultimately go on to save lives.

First aid training protects your people and your business

In addition to the obvious benefits of providing immediate medical care in an emergency, first aid training can also help to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place.

First aiders put practices in place to minimise risks to help create a safer work environment for everyone. This is done by learning to identify any potential hazards and adequately manage the risks they pose. Whether you are a business owner, manager, or employee, taking the time to understand first aid is a wise and necessary investment…for everybody.

Everyone has a legal responsibility to comply with workplace health and safety

It’s important to acknowledge that there are various pieces of legislation that place responsibilities on employers and employees regarding first aid. These include:

In case of a first aid emergency, every organisation must have designated first aiders and first aid appointed persons. These employees must be provided with up to date training and the proper equipment to handle the situation and perform their roles effectively.

This is of imperative importance because they will be the ones who will provide immediate assistance to employees who are injured or become ill while at work. Response time is also key, so it’s important they are completely aware of what they must do and when.

What do you learn in first aid training?

Here at iHasco, we offer a number of basic First Aid Training courses that are extremely valuable for both employer and employee. Our courses include:

We provide a number of basic first aid training and emergency first aid training courses. Each course and its content course will vary depending on the training chosen. However, each course will include information on CPR & AED training, administering first aid to those who are unconscious, any responsibilities & duties, RIDDOR, applying roller bandages and slings, ‘DR ABC’, and primary/secondary surveys.

How long does first aid training take?

Our courses are designed to be both convenient and digestible. They are information-rich and range from 15 minutes to 80 minutes long depending on the subject matter. Our courses can be easily completed on any device at any time, meaning that employees can quickly and easily refresh their first aid knowledge at a time that suits them.

We know how busy things get, but basic first aid training is an area you can’t afford to get wrong or skip, as the consequences can be severe.

Does completing online first aid training mean I’m first aid qualified?

Not exactly. Our first aid refresher courses are designed for the use of qualified first aiders to refresh their knowledge in the gap between their qualifications. They are a fantastic resource to ensure your appointed people are up to date with the latest legislation, requirements, training and practices.

Please note that completing these courses alone does not make a person first aid qualified. However, they still play a critical role in ensuring first aiders remain competent between qualification courses.

If you want to learn more about this all-important topic you can claim a free, no-obligation trial to any of these courses today! Alternatively, you can request a bespoke quote and a member of our team will be happy to discuss your unique first aid training requirements.

Online First Aid Training courses
Picture of Jack Rosier

Jack Rosier

Senior Marketing Executive

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