Download our free First Aid Checklist

Posted 5 years ago

Download our free First Aid Checklist

Sorting out First Aid arrangements for workplaces shouldn’t be complicated or time-consuming. However, we understand that from the outside it can look like a complicated and long-winded procedure. That’s why we’ve created this easy-to-follow checklist to guide SMEs towards legislative compliance.

For most businesses, all that’s required is to conduct a series of straightforward, simple tasks.

Due to the variables that inevitably exist in each workplace, our list may not be definitive BUT – according to the HSE…

A low-risk workplace, such as a small office, should have a first-aid box and a person appointed to take charge of first-aid arrangements, such as calling the emergency services if necessary.


Our checklist covers important parts of first aid like:

  • What you need in a First Aid Needs Assessment
  • What you should put in your first aid kit
  • How to make staff aware of first aid arrangements
  • How you can keep up-to-date with best practice surrounding first aid

To download this handy tool, simply follow the link on the button below:

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For Employers/Responsible Person

1. Write a First Aid Needs Assessment

This assessment should consider your organisations circumstances, your workforce, and the hazards & risks that could be present. These findings will help you decide what first-aid arrangements you need to adopt.

The HSE say that you should consider the following when filling out your First Aid Needs Assessment:

  • the nature of the work you do
  • workplace hazards and risks (including specific hazards requiring special arrangements)
  • the nature and size of your workforce
  • the work patterns of your staff
  • holiday and other absences of those who will be first-aiders and appointed persons
  • your organisation’s history of accidents

Not sure where to begin? Take a look at the HSE’s website for more information about First Aid Needs Assessments.

2. Appoint a competent person

If your organisation’s risk assessment determines that you don’t need a first aider, the minimum requirement for any organisation is to have an appointed person to take care of first aid arrangements.

We offer a First Aid Appointed Person Training course for those workers that take care of first aid arrangements in the workplace. You can claim a no-obligation free trial to the course today.

3. Have suitably stocked first aid kit(s)

The HSE suggest that for a low-risk workplace, organisations should store the following in their first aid kits:

a leaflet giving general guidance on first aid;

  • individually wrapped sterile plasters (assorted sizes), appropriate to the type of work (hypoallergenic plasters can be provided if necessary);
  • sterile eye pads;
  • individually wrapped triangular bandages, preferably sterile;
  • safety pins;
  • large sterile individually wrapped unmedicated wound dressings;
  • medium-sized sterile individually wrapped unmedicated wound dressings;
  • disposable gloves

See our video for more information on what should go in a first aid kit.

4. Make staff aware of first aid arrangements

This is quite a simple step. One of the most effective options is placing all of the details in an employee handbook. However, whatever option you choose, you need to make sure this information is easily attainable.

Some other alternatives for this are:

  • Having all the information stored on the companies intranet
  • Having printed arrangements as a handout for each employee
  • Having first aid arrangements on easy-to-read posters around the site

5. In need of a first aider?

Your First Aid Needs Assessment may determine that you need a qualified first aider. It is advised, for every 50 employees you have, you should have one first aider – however, this isn’t a legal requirement.

According to the law, employers must make sure there are “adequate and appropriate first aid equipment, facilities, and number of qualified first aiders in the workplace”. However, what is adequate and appropriate is quite vague and it can be difficult to know how to ensure you are legally compliant.

So, it is best practice to refer to your First Aid Need Assessment.

See our First Aid Appointed Person and RIDDOR Training.

6. More than 10 employees? You’ll need an accident book

It is a legal requirement to have a written accident book if your organisation employs 10 employees or more. This plays an extremely important role right after an accident in the workplace and can also be equally important at a later date.

There are a number of accident books that you’re able to buy online for under £10, but here is a good quality & cost effective option from the HSE.

7. And finally, keep up-to-date

Practical training is required for first aiders every three years, but it is strongly advised that refresher training is given at yearly intervals to these select employees.

We offer a range of online first aid courses, including First Aid Refresher Training and Emergency First Aid Refresher Training to keep designated employees up-to-date with best practices.

NEED HELP? We recommend you bookmark the HSE website. We post any significant news on our site, so it’s worth reading our blog. We also send out industry specific monthly newsletters, which you can subscribe to here. Our clients can rest assured in the knowledge that should best practice or legislation change, we’ll be in touch.

First Aid Training
Picture of Jack Rosier

Jack Rosier

Senior Marketing Executive

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