What should I do after an accident in the workplace?
Posted 5 years ago

No matter what type of industry you work in, the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) legally require you to report applicable work-related illnesses and injuries.
For the incident to be reportable under RIDDOR, the resulting effect on the victim must put them out of work for over 7 days. This must be reported to the correct authority within 15 days of the incident taking place. However, if the incident results in incapacitation of more than 3 days, the incident doesn’t need to be reported to an authority but must be put on record by the workplace. Simply put, RIDDOR requires that:
- You must report an incident that results in a 7-day incapacitation to an enforcing authority.
- This must be reported within 15 days of the time the incident took place.
- Incidents resulting in a 3-or-more-day incapacitation do not need to be reported to an enforcing authority.
- These incidents still have to be recorded by the workplace.
In our First Aid Requirements and RIDDOR Training course, help you understand what first aid personnel your business requires.
One thing that your organisation legally requires is an accident book. This is so that you can keep records of the date and details of each incident, including the affected person’s full name. Any of the information that you record in your accident book must be GDPR-compliant as it needs to contain various personal details of the affected person. Claim your free trial to our GDPR Essentials Training course to learn more about your data protection duties.
How we can help you work towards compliance
Regardless of what industry you operate in, there are many pieces of legislation and regulations you must work towards compliance with when at work. It can be a daunting process to try and learn about these legal requirements by yourself; that’s what we’re here to help with!
Here at iHasco, we offer over a wide range of courses that cover important health and safety topics, to save you the hassle of reading through thousands of pages of legislation and regulations. We do this by learning all of the information for you and putting that knowledge into refined online training courses for you to complete. Additionally, we offer various off-thread resources for you to put knowledge into practice.
Claim a no-obligation free trial to any of our courses today!

Jack Rosier
Senior Marketing Executive
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