DSE checks for those with standing desks

Posted 6 years ago

DSE checks for those with standing desks

Normally when people talk about DSE, they automatically think or refer to those who use standard desks. However, standing desks (desk risers) are becoming increasingly popular and we need to make sure we still apply our DSE rules to them. Standing desks can increase productivity and encourage people not to stay sat in a static position all day.

Standing desks can affect your posture, and desks should be ergonomically designed. No matter what desk you have, if you do not set it and yourself up properly, it will have effects on your health and posture.

Here is how you should stand at a standing desk:

Standing Desk Posture

When standing at your desk, you should have your feet hip distance apart with your weight balance between the two. Legs straight and knees relaxed, and if you pull your stomach in this can help your posture too, but try not to put too much strain on yourself. Then, just let your arms hang down by your sides and roll your shoulder back so your thumbs are facing forward.

Make sure your neck is straight and comfortable, then check your shoulders are relaxed and parallel with your hips. Wearing supportive shoes as opposed to high heels, for example, can also help, as well as anti-fatigue mats that can help you stay slightly off balance and encourages blood circulation.

DSE Equipment

Your Mouse:

  • The mouse should be on the same level as the keyboard.
  • Mouse mats may be required if mice are stiff or slippery.
  • Mice should be a suitable size for the hand of the user.

Your Monitors:

  • Monitors should be set at the same height as a users eye line.
  • User’s eyes should be sat 2-3 inches below the top of the monitor.
  • Monitors should roughly be an arm’s length away.
  • A single monitor should be in the centre of the platform to prevent the user from turning their neck too much.
  • Monitors should be tilted back at a small angle.

Your Keyboard:

  • The keyboard should be positioned in front of the user with the ‘H’ key in front of their body.
  • Keyboards should be slightly below elbow height.
  • The keyboard should not be attached to the screen i.e. a laptop keyboard.

Here are some extra tips for using standing up desks and preventing strain…

  • Legs, torso and neck should be kept in line with will all equipment.
  • Knees should not be locked.
  • Footstools can be used to help make sure pressure is alternated between legs.
  • Users should not be bending or twisting their wrists or neck.
  • While sat at 90 degrees, elbows should be relaxed.

Whether you or your employees use sitting or standing desks, DSE Training is essential for anyone working with DSE equipment. Why not get started with a free trial today?