Exciting News: Drug & Alcohol Awareness gets a stunning visual upgrade!

Posted 6 years ago

Exciting News: Drug & Alcohol Awareness gets a stunning visual upgrade!

Did you know that drug and alcohol misuse costs British businesses 17 million lost working days and more than £6 billion in productivity each year? Hearing this statistic prompted us to revisit our Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training and we decided it was time for it to receive a visual revamp!

One of our newest recruits in the production team, Charlotte, was tasked with this visual upgrade and the result is nothing short of spectacular! Check it out for yourself in the video below (Extracted from the course), which looks at how much alcohol we should be consuming and the surrounding guidelines…

It’s also Alcohol Awareness Week

This week is Alcohol Awareness Week, a week that is designed to spread awareness of alcoholism and support those struggling with alcohol abuse. The theme of this years week is ‘change’ and we hope our new course can play a role in driving this change!

The importance of Awareness Training for workplaces…

Every year lives are ruined by alcohol and drug abuse. Private life suffers, health suffers and ultimately jobs suffer. Misuse costs British businesses 17 million lost working days and more than £6 billion in productivity each year. That’s why employees, particularly managers and seniors need to be able to spot signs of problems before it has a chance to have a negative impact on the business.

It’s also important to remember that just one person in a business that is suffering from either alcoholism or drug abuse can pose a risk to everyone. Drug & Alcohol Awareness training helps minimise these risks.

The shocking statistics surrounding Drug & Alcohol abuse in the UK

  • In the UK in 2014-5, there were an estimated 1.1 million hospital admissions related to alcohol consumption where an alcohol-related disease, injury or condition was the primary reason for hospital admission or a secondary diagnosis. In the same period, there were 339,000 admissions for conditions directly caused by alcohol.
  • Males accounted for approximately 65% of all alcohol-related deaths in the UK in 2014.
  • In England and Wales, 63% of all alcohol-related deaths in 2014 were caused by liver disease.
  • 64% of stranger violence and 70% of violent incidents in the weekends, evenings and night are alcohol-related.
  • Alcohol-related crime in the UK is estimated to cost between £8bn and £13bn per year.
  • There were 7,545 hospital admissions with a primary diagnosis of drug-related mental health and behavioural disorders. This is 12 per cent lower than 2015/16 but 12 per cent higher than 2006/07.
  • In 2016, 24 per cent of pupils reported they had ever taken drugs. This compares to 15 per cent in 2014.
  • In 2016 there were 2,593 registered deaths in England and Wales related to drug misuse. This is an increase of 5 per cent on 2015 and 58 per cent higher than in 2006.
The effects of drug and alcohol abuse can ruin lives...

If you’re looking for engaging awareness training for your staff, then you’re in the right place. Get started today with a free, no-obligation trial of this course and 2 others at any time!