A stunning update for our Equality & Diversity Training!

Posted 3 years ago

Not only has this course been given a beautiful visual update (to the point where you can’t even compare it to the original!) but our scriptwriters have also worked diligently to bring this course in line with current legislation, social responsibility, and best working practices so that organisations can truly understand the benefits that diversity and inclusion has for their employees’ wellbeing and their business’ success. This update is also packed with actionable steps that can be taken to create positive change in your workplace and in the wider community.

This course has been created in partnership with ED&I expert, Cecilia Harvey, whose passion for the richness of diversity and the psychology of the human race has led to her current role as the Global ED&I Lead at Royal HaskoningDHV. Cecilia drives and coordinates ED&I initiatives centred around gender, LGBTQ+, ethnicity, and disability.

Here’s what you can expect to see in the new course:

Our Equality & Diversity course has long been one of our most popular HR compliance courses and we’re confident that this brand new version will allow employees and managers to confidently address sensitive issues surrounding equality, diversity, equity and inclusion at work; and our intention is to inspire and motivate people to make a positive difference in their workplace and the wider community.

You may notice that we have changed the name of our course from Equality & Diversity to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training. We’ve done this to reflect the current terminology that’s used in society nowadays (also known as the abbreviation “EDI”) and to place emphasis on the word “inclusion” – which is what our course is designed to facilitate.

Our course is broken down into 4 sections and can be completed in just 60 minutes. These sections include:

  1. The Ideal Workplace
  2. Unacceptable Behaviour
  3. The Protected Characteristics
  4. Practical Improvements

One of the most important things to realise is that you can – and do – make a difference. It’s the actions of each individual that, when put together, can be make-it or break-it for our friends, family and communities. So given that how each of us treats each other does impact the personal wellbeing of others, as well as that of the wider community, what impact would you like to have?

We have the opportunity to accept, respect and celebrate each other’s unique characters and contributions, and by doing so, we have the opportunity to create a kinder and more energetic, successful and inclusive society.

Interested in our updated course? You can try before you buy by claiming a no-obligation free trial today and gaining full access to the course content for three days! Or if you’re already a client with us, get in touch with your account manager today!

Online Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Training