Blue Monday? Let’s be more positive with Brew Monday!
Posted 2 years ago

The third Monday in January is often referred to as ‘the most difficult day of the year’ or simply ‘Blue Monday’. Here at iHasco, we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our employees and are putting a positive twist on the day with the Samaritans’ Brew Monday campaign.
We’re providing the essentials for our staff to reach out and connect with our colleagues and friends over a cuppa, not just today, but throughout this whole week. Talking to each other, listening, and being there for one another is incredibly important – something we should all make time to do.

On Wednesday, our Mental Health First Aiders are also hosting a lunch in our offices to talk about anything and everything mental health related. These roles are very important to the company and ensuring the wellbeing of all iHasco employees – we want this to be a very visible role and encourage anyone to speak up if they’re ever struggling or just need someone to listen to them.
Finally, being positive on Blue Monday is so important – to recognise the hard work of our team and their impact on each other, our jar of positive messages and affirmations to pay forward to each other in the office is by our Brew Monday stations. We work very hard, and January can be a tough month, so giving each other some recognition is a fabulous little boost!

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