Are Employers Obliged to Offer Prescription Safety Glasses?
Posted 7 years ago
There are Employment Law guidelines regarding eye tests and the potential of payment for glasses, however, there is no legal guidance for prescription protection goggles.
If you are required to wear safety goggles for your job, you will be expected to wear non-prescription goggles over the top of your glasses. The goggles provided must be CE stamped and be fitted and provided by your employer for free.
Online Eye Protection Training
Eye injuries are quite a common occurrence at work – with over 2,000 eye injuries occurring PER DAY, we decided that identifying hazards and the risk they pose to your eyes is a top priority in the workplace.
iHasco offer an Online Eye Protection Training course that covers risks & hazards to your eyes, how to protect yourself in the workplace, first-aid advice and how to identify & manage the risks.
Jack Rosier
Senior Marketing Executive
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