5 Simple Tips To Prevent Workplace Slips, Trips and Falls

Posted 3 years ago

At some point, whether at school, walking the dog or even in our own homes, we’ve all fallen over, slipped, or tripped. When this happens, most of the time we can just stand up and brush ourselves off. If this happens at work, however, it can be a completely different thing. Slips, trips and falls in the workplace can be much more dangerous, particularly in a busy industrial area.

It’s important to remember that slips, trips, and falls rarely happen on their own – there is usually a way to avoid them and ensure that you can go about your day-to-day working as safely as possible.

The Dangers Of Slips, Trips, and Falls

A man who has slipped after mopping

These are the single most common cause of injuries at work, and can also be one of the most varied. They can result in anything from a skinned kneecap to a broken ankle, or another long-lasting disability that can actually prevent you from working for an extended period of time.

These types of incidents cost employers more than £512 million a year, and present risks to employees, visitors, and members of the public who happen to be passing by or through an external working area. Everywhere, from offices to industrial settings, is vulnerable to slips, trips and falls and it is important that you follow the best practices in order to reduce the risks of these issues.

Top 5 Tips To Prevent Slips, Trips And Falls

An unhappy employer by an unattended slip hazard

1. Identify The Potential Causes – Understanding the main causes of falls, trips, and slips in the workplace is important if you’re looking to reduce the daily risks of an accident occurring in your workplace. The main causes can include:

  • Uneven Floor Surfaces;
  • Wet Floors;
  • Poor Lighting;
  • Trailing Cables & Other Tripping Hazards;

2. Implement Great Housekeeping – Good housekeeping is extremely critical for all kinds of businesses. If your property’s housekeeping habits are substandard, then the result will be a higher number of employee injuries and accidents, high levels of health insurance, and potentially even regulation citations. There are three simple steps to developing a fantastic housekeeping strategy, which are:

  • Planning Ahead;
  • Assigning Responsibilities;
  • Implement An Effective Program;

3. Deal With Wet Surfaces Quickly – Walking on slippery and wet surfaces can be particularly dangerous, especially on low-friction surfaces such as linoleum and other popular flooring options. Some of the most common areas which suffer slips, trips, and falls as a result of wet flooring include:

  • Food Prep Areas;
  • Reception Flooring;
  • Staircases;
  • Bathroom & Shower Stalls;
  • Exposed Parking Lots;

4. Avoid Creating Obstacles In Aisles And Walkways – Making sure that you keep clearly defined avenues for employee movement is essential when it comes to preventing accidents from occurring, particularly with regards to tripping. This often means implementing clean-up procedures to ensure that these walkways are kept uncluttered as a priority. Some great strategies can include:

  • Keep all work areas, storerooms and passageways clear;
  • Avoid stringing cables across these walkways;
  • Avoid leaving any kind of obstruction in these areas;
  • Conduct periodic inspections for potential hazards;

5. Maintain Proper Lighting – Poor lighting in the workplace is an extremely common issue that contributes to the number of accidents that occur. If you want to really prevent accidents, make sure that you:

  • Use proper illumination in walkways, staircases, and other commonly accessed areas;
  • Keep all work areas well lit;
  • Deal with any ineffective or broken lighting as soon as possible;
  • Keep light switches easily accessible and easy to reach;

Online Slips, Trips, and Falls Training

An employee thinking back to his Slips, Trips, and Falls Training

Here at iHasco, we are proud to offer industry-recognised online training to help you and your employees reduce the risk of a severe trip, slip or fall in your workplace. Implementing one of these strategies across your business can not only help to save you money, but can also ensure that you work towards compliance with Health & Safety legislation.

Our IOSH Approved & CPD Accredited Slips Trips & Falls Training educates employees and employers on awareness, prevention, and personal responsibility when it comes to slips, trips and falls.

Claim your free, no-obligation trial to the course today!

Slips, trips & falls prevention training