Find out more about Monique Wilkes
When did you join iHasco?
I joined iHasco on the 4th of December 2024
What do you do there?
I work in customer support, so i help customers on our LMS platform and guide them the best way i can.
What do you get up to when you’re not at iHASCO?
When i am not at work i am a full-time mum and i love cooking and baking for my family and friends.
Where in the world would you most like to go?
My favourite place in the world to go to would be the Maldives to go and experience the clear blue sea and relax.
What’s your favourite food?
My favourite food would have to be Italian, who doesn't love pasta?
Tell us something we don’t know about you…
I love watching the Formula 1 and will gladly wake up at 4am to watch the races.
Favourite book or movie?
My favourite movie would have to be Blended!