Find out more about Daria Nasedkina
When did you join iHasco?
End of August 2024
What do you do there?
I am on a quest to ensure a seamless onboarding experience for our clients and provide clear, easy-to-follow user guides.
What did you want to do when you were at school?
According to a diary that I kept at age 10, I wanted to be a dentist. However, the same diary entry mentions that I decided not to pursue this career because I wasn't sure if I can deal with patients’ bad breath.
What do you get up to when you’re not at iHasco?
I enjoy staying active and spending time outdoors, especially in the mountains. My latest accomplishment was climbing Mount Elbrus that is 5642m tall and is the highest peak in Europe
Where in the world would you most like to go?
If time weren’t an issue, I’d love to hitchhike across the UK, exploring all the small, hidden towns along the way.
What’s your favourite food?
It changes every so often, but right now I am heavily fixated on brie and bacon sandwiches from a local coffee shop.
Tell us something we don’t know about you…
I used to work as a Chinese language interpreter, but after some soul-searching, I realized it wasn’t my cup of tea. You wouldn’t believe how quickly your language skills can deteriorate when you stop practicing!
Favourite book or movie?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn "Cancer ward"