What is the difference between statutory and mandatory training?

Posted 5 years ago

What is the difference between statutory and mandatory training?

On the surface, the words statutory and mandatory have similar meanings but there is a difference between the two when in the context of health and safety and compliance training.

Even the dictionary definitions show that statutory and mandatory have very similar meanings, which is why these two words are often used interchangeably. To add further confusion you will often hear that statutory training is considered mandatory, so it is no wonder that this is not that clear cut!

Statutory – relating to rules or laws which have been formally written down.

Mandatory – If an action or procedure is mandatory, people have to do it, because it is a rule or a law.


Two Types of Training: Statutory and Mandatory

Statutory Training

Statutory training is where a statutory body has dictated that an organisation must provide training based on legislation. Key pieces of legislation here are the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. The aim of such legislation is to ensure that statutory training helps employees maintain a safe and healthy working environment.

Mandatory Training

Mandatory training is legally required and compulsory in order for an employee to complete their job safely and efficiently. It may have come from government guidelines or legislation or it may be training that an organisation deems essential for their employees or specific job roles.

Examples of Statutory and Mandatory Training

Statutory or mandatory training is sometimes dependent on the industry sector so it isn’t as easy as defining a list for these two types of training. Taking health and social care as an example we can look at the differences between statutory and mandatory training, which should hopefully make the differences between these two types of training clearer.

In healthcare, statutory training could include:

The courses above could be recommended by a statutory body as they are deemed important to staff in this particular sector.

With mandatory training the aim is to equip you with the knowledge and awareness to deliver and maintain a safe and efficient care service.

Examples would include:

The courses above, for example, are required for staff by law.

Online Statutory and Mandatory Training

We have seen that there are differences between statutory and mandatory training, yet many people will not distinguish between these two types. Partly because the actual word meanings can leave it open to interpretation and that mandatory and statutory training are both compulsory. More often than not you will hear the term ‘mandatory training’ for all training affecting health and safety at work. The point is that regardless of how the training is categorised, the health and safety of employees at work is hugely important and training plays a huge role in staff safety. There is still a legal obligation to comply with the law and to reduce hazards and increase safety in the workplace.

With over 100 high quality eLearning courses iHasco can help you with your mandatory and statutory training needs. Browse our course library and start a free trial today to see how we can help you.

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