A fantastic February for new course releases!

Posted 6 years ago

A fantastic February for new course releases!

Last month we kickstarted the new year with three new courses and this month we’re following in similar fashion, with some more very important new courses for you!

Sharps Training

Sharps Training

Animator: Sylvie Lin

Scriptwriter: James Kelly

16 BILLION injections – that’s the number of injections administered in and out of hospitals around the world, each year. It’s incredibly important that Sharps waste is disposed of properly, otherwise, people (Not just healthcare professionals) are exposed to bloodborne diseases such as Hepatitis and HIV.

Sharps objects include:

  • Needles
  • Syringes
  • Lancets
  • Razors
  • Scalpels
  • Scissors

It’s vital that you teach your staff about the risks surrounding Sharps objects, the law, how to prevent accidents and how to safely dispose of Sharps objects and our Sharps Training course does just that!

GDPR Refresher Training

Why GDPR training is still crucial post-Brexit

Animator: Mike Brooks

Scriptwriter: Sarah Cushenan

After helping almost 200,000 learners work towards GDPR compliance with our Essential and Management GDPR programmes, we wanted to provide a course that was perfect for those who had already undertaken training, or already have a good understanding of the regulations and were therefore in need of a ‘refresher’ programme to help them recap their understanding and work towards compliance with the legislation.

Our refresher course takes just 15 minutes to complete, whilst making sure that none of the crucial parts of the regulation are missed! It’s the simple way of refreshing your GDPR Training with minimum hassle!

Mental Health Awareness Training for Carers

Mental Health Awareness Training for Carers

Animator: Matt Newport

Scriptwriter: Lottie Galvin

84% of carers report feeling stressed at work, whilst 78% suffer from anxiety and 55% have suffered depression as a direct result of their work. The Care sector does an incredible job at looking after the wellbeing of others, but does it do enough to protect the wellbeing of their own staff? The statistics behind mental ill-health in the care sector would indicate that often, it doesn’t.

Workers in the profession have some of the most emotionally challenging jobs imaginable, so it’s important that everyone in the care sector is aware of the challenge surrounding mental ill-health in the industry.

Equip your staff with the knowledge needed to identify mental ill-health problems, teach them how to support people and point them in the right direction for external help with our Mental Health Awareness Training for Carers.

Interested in any of the above courses? Claim your free, no-obligation trial today…