Interactive COSHH Quiz!

Posted 6 years ago

It’s quiz time again! With the release of our new and improved COSHH course, we thought we’d test your knowledge on the world of substances hazardous to health!

Substances that are hazardous to humans have been around for tens of thousands of years and whilst many may not appear dangerous (for example, did you know that citrus peel is flammable?!), they can cause you severe harm.

Take our quick interactive quiz below, we challenge you to get 10 out of 10!

Online COSHH Training

How did you get on? If you didn’t get the best of results you can take a look at our Online COSHH Training for free at any time. Taking only 25 minutes to complete, our course looks at all hazardous substances, the effects of exposure, hazard symbols and 6 simple steps that you and others can take to protect yourself when working with hazardous substances!

Online COSHH Training Course