OH MY COSHH! Check out our stunning new COSHH course!

Posted 6 years ago

Ancient Egyptians - image extracted from CoSHH training

Our hugely talented creative and scriptwriting team have been hard at work to bring you yet another new course update!

This time around, we’re thrilled to announce that it’s our COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) course that has received a fantastic graphics and animation upgrade. The original version of our online COSHH Training was published back in 2013 and although a massively popular course amongst our clients, with over 86,000 sessions to date, we felt it was definitely time to give it some TLC! The contents of the course has also been updated to reflect any changes in legislation, without extending the completion time of the course.

What is a ‘Substance Hazardous to Health’?

When you think of COSHH, things like bleach and other cleaning products probably spring to mind, but in this day and age there are far more substances that are classed as a ‘hazard to health’. In this short clip (extracted from our online COSHH Training programme) we explore all of the substances that are hazardous to health; some will likely surprise you!

The team behind the course…

Matt Newport was the lead animator for this course update, his previous projects include the likes of Mental Health Awareness, Electrical Safety, Anti-Money Laundering and many more. So, Matt, what was it like bringing the course to life?

“The biggest challenge of this programme was to turn a ‘tick-boxing’ regulation (informing you not to accidentally drink bleach), into something that is entertaining and genuinely enjoyable to watch. To help with this I used subtle humour alongside a mixture of animation and art styles/techniques throughout the programme.

I feel that I achieved what I set out to do; the mixture of styles, thrown in with the odd bad joke (the PPE poster being my personal favourite), seems to have gone down a storm already!”

Matt Newport – Lead Animator for COSHH Training

CoSHH in an office environment - CoSHH Training

Lottie Galvin was tasked with putting the script together for our animators to work with (something she is no stranger to)!

“My main aim for COSHH was to create a script that would open a lot of creative doors for animation, in order turn a potentially dull subject into an engaging and enjoyable training course, where the content would be absorbed and remembered by our users. As Matt has done such a wonderful job with the visuals, I hope that means I did well enough with the script!”

Lottie Galvin, Lead Scriptwriter for COSHH

One of our newest recruits in the creative team, Charlotte, also helped animate some areas of the COSHH course. Here she takes us through some of the animation processes…

A snapshot of after affects, the programme we used to create COSHH

“If we take this guy above, the figure has been broken up into six different parts: the main body (the head, torso and the legs which don’t move as much), the two upper arms, two forearms and lastly both hands holding the bucket of sand. They get animated almost like a paper doll, or like a shadow puppet, by placing an ‘anchor point’ along the line of where the arm is divided. This makes it seem like the arm rotates on a hinge-like joint.” – Charlotte Cottrell

A snapshot of after affects, the programme we used to create COSHH

Want to be one of the first to trial it?

Be our guest! If you want to see just how stunning this course is for yourself, you can submit a free trial request below and get instant, preview access to our CoSHH Training.