Stretching at your desk – is it for the brave or bizarre?

Posted 8 years ago

Stretching at your desk – is it for the brave or bizarre?

You may feel awkward doing stretching exercises at your desk. But right now, as you sit there at your computer, you are doing one of the worst things you can do to your body – you’re sitting still. And not only that, but the way you sit, type and hold the phone may be wreaking havoc on your bones, joints, and muscles.

“People who sit at their computers for hours every day — they’re in for serious medical problems. We’re seeing more things than carpal tunnel; those pains go up the arm to the elbow and shoulder and then translate to the neck and back. It’s a huge problem.”

Sharon Hame, MD, associate clinical professor at UCLA’s Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

The solution, experts say, is to break up your work by doing stretching exercises. Don’t worry, there are stretching exercises you can do without leaving your desk to help you improve your body’s flexibility and strength – just remember to check with your doctor before starting any exercise regimen.

Up, Down & All Around

This exercise can relieve tension in your hand and arms whilst also releasing tension in your legs & ankles!

For this exercise you need to be sat at your chair, sitting up straight and keeping your shoulders relaxed.

Complete this exercise and then repeat this sequence with your right side!


The twisting exercise stretches your back muscles and can be completed sitting in a chair provided that you keep your hips and legs facing forwards.

You should be able to feel this stretch in your stomach and the side of your neck. Once you have completed the exercise repeat it on the other side! Remember to breathe out as your stretch to deepen the stretch.

Upper body stretch

This exercise will stretch the muscles in your back, chest, neck, wrists & fingers and will aim to release tension in the neck & shoulders.

This exercise is most effective if you keep the sequence going by doing it 3 times.

Neck & Shoulder Roll

Your neck & shoulders can be somewhere where you hold a lot of tension or stress. Neck & Shoulder rolls can relieve some of this tension.

Once completed you should repeat in the opposite direction the same amount of times.

Correct Sitting Posture

Finally, we look at how you should be correctly sitting at your desk. Your chair should be stable and adjustable and should provide support to your back.

You should be comfortable and provided you follow these useful tips, you should be able to help reduce the possibility of damaged back/posture.

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